
Sending some love

modern calligraphy, moderne kalligrafie, kalligrafie lernen, lettering, Handschrift, quote, illustration, branding, nicnillas ink, kaweco liliput kupfer copper, fountain pen, traveler`s notebook, midair, travelers factory, sending some love this christmas, brushlettering

Winter has finally arrived, the world is frozen and magical, sunshine on glittering ice crystals. Christmas time has always been a special time to me. I love snow and walking in the cold, if we get lucky even sledging in the snow and iceskating on nearby ponds. Coming home, to a cozy warm kitchen, usually filled with the smell of freshly baked cookies, hot tea and fir tree. 

modern calligraphy, moderne kalligrafie, kalligrafie lernen, lettering, Handschrift, quote, illustration, branding, nicnillas ink, kaweco liliput kupfer copper, fountain pen, traveler`s notebook, midair, travelers factory, sending some love this christmas, brushlettering

Not to forget the sparkly lights and candles everywhere, making evenings extra cozy. I love those long evenings, wearing a thick wooly cardigan, cuddled up, ready for hours filled with good talks or reading great books. And of course the time we take to wind down, thinking about all that has happened during the year, all those dreams that have come true, and all those tough moments of the last months. This time of the year where we take time to thank the people that have made our year special, who made us smile. I just love sitting down in the evenings, writing cards to people in my life who have in some way made my year wonderful.

modern calligraphy, moderne kalligrafie, kalligrafie lernen, lettering, Handschrift, quote, illustration, branding, nicnillas ink, kaweco liliput kupfer copper, fountain pen, traveler`s notebook, midair, travelers factory, sending some love this christmas, brushlettering

So as I was designing my christmas cards this year, I thought about how lucky I am to have amazing people in my life. People I can count on, people who want to see me happy, who support me. All those who are listening when I need to talk, who cheer me up when I am sad, who love me just the way I am. I am so very grateful for these wonderful people in my life. Realising how lucky I really am, I thought how many people don`t have all this. People who dread this time of the year, because it makes them feel lonely. All the elderly, who miss friends and maybe don`t even have a family. People who have lost their love filled homes and loved ones, because of wars, illnesses or some unlucky constellation.

modern calligraphy, moderne kalligrafie, kalligrafie lernen, lettering, Handschrift, quote, illustration, branding, nicnillas ink, kaweco liliput kupfer copper, fountain pen, traveler`s notebook, midair, travelers factory, sending some love this christmas, brushlettering

So this year I will be …


modern calligraphy, moderne kalligrafie, kalligrafie lernen, lettering, Handschrift, quote, illustration, branding, nicnillas ink, kaweco liliput kupfer copper, fountain pen, traveler`s notebook, midair, travelers factory, sending some love this christmas, brushlettering

…  to people who need some
And I am asking you all to help me.



modern calligraphy, moderne kalligrafie, kalligrafie lernen, lettering, Handschrift, quote, illustration, branding, nicnillas ink, kaweco liliput kupfer copper, fountain pen, traveler`s notebook, midair, travelers factory, sending some love this christmas, brushlettering

How you say? There are 2 ways you can actually help.


Every couple of days I will be sending out a card to someone. So I would love to her from you if you  actually know someone who feels particularly lonely this time of the year? Someone who dreads Christmas, because there are no relatives who will be visiting? I will be picking someone from the names you guys give me and send out some love this Christmas.


Join in the fun and send some cards yourself. And maybe even get more friends to send more cards. Would`t it be great if we could surprise a good many people with some love in the mailbox?

modern calligraphy, moderne kalligrafie, kalligrafie lernen, lettering, Handschrift, quote, illustration, branding, nicnillas ink, kaweco liliput kupfer copper, fountain pen, traveler`s notebook, midair, travelers factory, sending some love this christmas, brushlettering

I am hoping for your help and many names for me to send cards to this year!

Stay loving,


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